WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT: 3D scan and 3D model an 'organic' object

Assignment: 3D scan an 'organic' object

Part 1

  • Select a stationary 'organic' object, such as fruit, a root vegetable, a plant, or even a sculpture of a living thing. Try to select something with complexity, if choosing a piece of fruit (i.e. pomegranate, pear, or even orange, cut it in half). 
  • Download WIDAR (or comparable 3D scanning app)
  • 3D scan the object using 20 or more images, edit ground plane or object in the app if necessary. You may need to try this a few times to achieve a clear object, or have to add images if a portion is missing in the processing. 
  • Take a screen recording video of the 3D object. If your phone does not have a built in screen recorder you may use free online software for desktop like vimeo record Chrome extension
Part 2 
  • Import 1-2 images of your item into Rhino using the 'picture' command

  • 3D model all or a part of the object in Rhino using symmetry, and/or the cage edit tool

  • Upload blog post of the process using pictures and screenshots. Give your blog some love! Get creative with your post title / text descriptions. Blog post should include: 

    • 2 photographs of your chosen object (axonometric view, and side view)

    • a screen recording video of your successful 3D scan, 

    • screenshots of your process when modeling the object in Rhino, 

    • a screenshot of your final object modeled

    • as always, be sure to write commentary of your process, learnings and challenges for a broader audience 

Deliverables: Blog post, Images and Rhino working files on the One Drive. 

Due: October 23 at 11:59pm, night before class 


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