WEEK 14: Blog Post // Milestone Projects


Assigned: Monday, December 5

Due: Monday December 12 @ class start

Assignment Description:

I AM SO IMPRESSED AND PROUD OF ALL OF YOUR WORK THIS SEMESTER!! Congratulations, you are now all digital experts. To wrap up a powerful semester, we will create one blog post to showcase your feature projects.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Select at least two images from each of the following milestone projects:

a.) Architecture Facade

    b.) Project 1: Laser cut (include HD photograph, render, and one process image)

    c.) Model Organic Object

c.) Project 2: Reverse Engineered Object (include render, exploded axo, and drawing)

d.) Project 3: 3D Printed Project (include HD photograph, render, and one process image)

2.) Create a new post and include these images (above), describe each project briefly. Include a blurb on your learnings and challenges and if there would be anything you might do differently if you were to redo the semester. Use all your acquired presentation skills to deliver your compact and powerful message.

That will be all. :)

BONUS: If you wanted to 3D print or laser cut a Christmas tree ornament, this would be your week.


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