Due: October 11, 11:59 pm: Week 1 // Due Sept 26, 8am: Tune in. Search for / notice in your surroundings, surface patterns or ornamentation that you are drawn to, photograph the items, and if possible bring physical objects to class. These can be floor or wall tiles, quilts, couch or textile patterns, as well as references from artists you love or places you have been. Consider the compilation of these patterns in unison. Create a blog post with 5 examples of surface patterns. Tell us what you find interesting about them, why you were drawn to them. Week 2 // Due Oct 2, 11:59 pm: Think, Plan, Sketch: Create a 'mood board' of your project that you wish to develop. Working with the themes pointed out from your pattern selections (tonality, style, what you found interesting about the patterns you collected). Your mood board will include: Precedent work / references you are inspired by Physical sketch of your idea. You may begin...
Assignment: BLOG POST: MILESTONE PROJECTS Assigned: Monday, December 5 Due: Monday December 12 @ class start Assignment Description: I AM SO IMPRESSED AND PROUD OF ALL OF YOUR WORK THIS SEMESTER!! Congratulations, you are now all digital experts. To wrap up a powerful semester, we will create one blog post to showcase your feature projects. Assignment Requirements: 1.) Select at least two images from each of the following milestone projects: a.) Architecture Facade b.) Project 1: Laser cut (include HD photograph, render, and one process image) c.) Model Organic Object c.) Project 2: Reverse Engineered Object (include render, exploded axo, and drawing) d.) Project 3: 3D Printed Project (include HD photograph, render, and one process image) 2.) Create a new post and include these images (above), describe each project briefly. Include a blurb on your learnings and challenges and if there would be anything you might do differently if you ...
Rendering Due: October 11 11:59pm (Due to holidays, if this assignment is handed in by October 17th, it will not be marked late) Assignment: Create two 3D renders of your developed project from perspective view point. Create a blog post including details on how you used the learned commands: Materials Layers Lighting Ground plane Named views Include screenshots, learnings and challenges. Write the blog such that it would make sense if you did not present the blog post in class. Include these renders in your final project blog post as well.
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